Sunday, May 28, 2006

Let's Go Blue Jays

It has been a long time since I went to a Blue Jay game. The last time I went to a Jays game was during the CNE when their home ballpark was Exhibition Stadium. I think it cost me $5 to get in. :)

Brent and I enjoyed the game though the Jays lost to Chicago 7-5.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Spring is here

Spring has sprung. I have spent the last two weeks outdoors gardening; getting very dirty, getting very sore joints and hands--and loving it. I think I have created bigger flower gardens this spring then lawn that I had back in England. This first image shows my newly planted spruce tree, which in 15-20 years will be 60' high. Stay tuned for more pics :) In the foreground (about 20' in front of the spruce is a new gift from Laura to mom; a bird bath with a matching bench and ornament.

Near our back corner, in our neighbours yard, we have discovered a family of very friendly bunnies. While our cats were outside one of these bunnies came up to the patio and fortunately the cats did not attack it. It later wandered into the next yard where I snapped this next picture (I must tell you this is my neighbours yard--I keep my lawn in much better shape). Using a 10X optical zoom I simply framed the shot and snapped; and unknown to me at the time I had also captured a red (or purple) finch in the image.