One of Brant County's best places for a walk... hell, it's one of the best places for a walk on the planet... right Angela?
I know this is one of my daughter's favourite places to go... and mine too. I have some unique memories of Apps Mill when it was Rest Acres.
In the 1960's the city of Brantford ran a summer camp here called "Camp Toreaca". I think our main meeting place was about here. There were cabins located at this site (image above).

Located along Whiteman's Creek we'd swim, and catch turtles. There were high cliffs (high for us kids) for us to jump off into deep areas of the creek.

There were many sleepouts... one every Wednesday night. I remember building a lean-to in case of any rain (at about this location).
Camp Toreaca's final year was 1971.
They appear to still have a camp for the kids here. Camp Imaknuna is held here. Though the area still gets plenty of people passing through I was please to see a lack of litter.
If anyone has any stories, pictures, etc they'd like to share about Rest Acres and/or Camp Toreaca, please place your feedback here. Camp Toreaca seems to be a forgotten past of Apps Mill.
Excellent... yes Apps Mill is the best place in the area for walking. I really love it... and love it or loath it we are going there when I'm back around Christmas time. Angela.
I loved Camp Toreaca. I went to it the first two weeks and last two weeks of every summer from the time I was seven to 12. Sleepovers were Thursday nights. Cook outs were Wednesdays. And the last Thursday of the two week stretch was performance night. One year, my group re-enacted Oliver Twist. I can't imagine what the theme was. Dickens doesn't really loan himself to a Canadian summer camp, does he?
Julie, I saw your article in the Star--the memories came flooding back.
Do you have any photographs?
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